You’re never too busy to get busy! With 30 fun and sexy challenges you can do in 30 minutes or less, these scratch-off cards are the perfect way for you and your partner to have a good time in less time.
Turn little moments into big memories …In Bed.
Connected Sex is better sex.
Supplies List
No supplies
-Glow in the Dark Body Paint (recommend ordering online)
-Drop cloth or sheet that can get messy
No supplies
No supplies
-Masking or painters tape
-Sweet and sticky sauce you'd like to lick off your partner's body ;)
-Blindfold (a scarf, bandanna, towel, etc., will work)
-Drop cloth or sheet that can get messy
No supplies
No supplies
-a candle or two or another form of ambient lighting if you prefer
-a speaker and music streaming app
-feather or something with a similar feel (makeup brush, duster, etc.)
-Blindfold (a scarf, bandanna, towel, etc. will work)
No supplies
-Washable markers or something you feel comfortable drawing on your skin with (body paint, eyeliner, etc.)
No supplies
-a speaker and music streaming app
No supplies
No supplies
-Coconut oil or oil you feel comfortable putting on your skin
-Pen or Pencil
-a speaker and a musical chairs/song randomization app
-12 disposable cups
-Ping-Pong balls
-Marker or pen
-Deck of cards
-Deck of cards
No supplies
-Pen or pencil
In this challenge you will be using things that can double as ""sex toys"" (handcuffs or something to tie your hands, massage oils, blindfold or scarf to cover your eyes, vibrator (if desired), or anything else you can think of. Anything you have around your house will be fine, but feel free to purchase more items should you want them.
-Notecard (3x5)
-Pen or pencil
No supplies
-Speaker and a music streaming app
-Something you might have worn to a high school dance (dressy clothing you already own will work)
No supplies
QR Challenges
What is one of our most memorable sexual experiences together?
What song or genre of music gets you in the mood?
What’s one place you’ve fantasized about having oral sex?
What is something not inherently sexual I do that almost always turns you on?
What’s a sexual act/experience you haven’t done together that you’d like to try?
Set a timer for 5 minutes and see if you can get your partner to climax before the buzzer goes
Drizzle something edible across your partner’s naked body and lick it off slowly.
Get your partner hot and bothered without removing any of their clothes.
Play the sexiest song you know and give your partner a 1-minute lap dance.
Spend 3 minutes kissing a specific area on your partner’s body that they choose. Neck? Ear? Inner thigh?
"How did you feel when you realized you wanted to be with me?
What’s something seemingly insignificant that I do that endears you to me?
When is a time that you felt really vulnerable or nervous with me?
What's one of your favorite sexy memories of us together?
What's something about you that you wish I knew?
What do you think are your three most attractive qualities (physical or not)?
What do you dream about for us in the near future?
What’s a challenge you are facing right now, and is there a way I can support you in it?
What’s one of your favorite memories of when we were first getting to know each other?
When is a time you had butterflies with me?
When and how do you feel most cared for?
How do you think we’ve grown as a couple since we met?
"What outfit do I wear that turns you on the most?
What is one place you have fantasized about hooking up that we haven’t?
What do you want me to take off?
How would you touch me if you were with me right now?
Where do you want to be touched?
Show me your best striptease.